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The role of X-Ray screeners is unique and required a specific set of skills. It is therefore crucial that only the most suitable candidates are recruited for job in hand. Our security and training experts worked closely with leading organisational psychologists to developed Cadet - the first online recruitment tool for X-Ray screeners. Cadet was designed to encourage more effective selection of X-Ray screeners by assessing candidates’ abilities and level of suitability for the role.


A clear and accurate quantitative assessment

Cadet is an advanced computer-based recruitment tool, designed specifically for the selection of airport X-Ray screeners. It is a computerized psychometric assessment system utilising graphic, pictorial, numerical and textual measurement of specific abilities required for this task.  Measured capabilities include:

  • Numerical ability

  • Problem-solving

  • Spotting errors and inconsistencies

  • Accuracy and rapidity

  • Attention span

  • Ability to differentiate between primary and secondary; information

Get to know your candidates first-hand

Airport security screeners must identify potential threats whilst maintaining an appropriate level of throughput. To achieve this, they need to present a specific set of skills and demonstrate a minimum level of competence. 

Conducting the appropriate candidates’ assessments can not only streamline the recruitment process, but also enhance security levels and operational performance, and reduce costs associated with high employees turnaround.

Cadet is fully integrated into ICTS’s Eagle7 computer-based training platform, making it possible to compare the achievements of X-Ray screeners on the job with their pre-employment test results, and save time and effort on turning candidates’ user accounts into Eagle7 learner user accounts.

Contact Us

Speak to our eLearning team to hear more about X-Ray Screener Recruitment