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As a sponsor and participant, ICTS UK & Ireland will showcase its new security solutions, including Innereye, our innovative approach to transforming the future of X-ray screening and Danielle Davies (Head of Compliance – Airports, ICTS UK & Ireland) will join a panel discussion on ‘Gender equity and inclusion for staff and passengers in aviation security’.


ICTS to sponsor the AOA Security Conference 2023

The Airport Operators Association (AOA) Security Conference (27-28 September 2023 – York, UK), a premier event in the aviation industry, will bring together AOA members – key stakeholders, security experts, and airport operators to discuss the latest advances in airport security.

As a sponsor and participant, ICTS UK & Ireland will showcase its new security solutions, including Innereye, our innovative approach to transforming the future of X-ray screening.

Danielle Davies (Head of Compliance – Airports, ICTS UK & Ireland) will join a panel discussion on ‘Gender equity and inclusion for staff and passengers in aviation security’.

Alan Dutt, Executive Director – Aviation, ICTS UK & Ireland, said, “We are delighted to be a part of the AOA Security Conference, which serves as a vital forum for fostering collaboration among industry experts. At ICTS, we believe in staying at the forefront of security innovation, and this conference provides a fantastic opportunity to exchange knowledge, insights, and best practices that ultimately lead to safer airports worldwide.”

ICTS UK & Ireland is a Corporate Partner of the Airport Operators Association (AOA).


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